Press Release
TETRA Service Launched at Kansai International Airport
Apr 1st 2022
Nippon Airport Radio Services Co.,LTD.
Nippon Airport Radio Services Co. Ltd., NAR, announced that they completed the system upgrade of the airport MCA system to TETRA at Kansai International Airport. The TETRA service was officially launched in the airport today.
NAR had signed an agreement of the transfer of Airport Radio Business from Kansai Airport Technical Service in 2020. After that, NAR has been installing TETRA system to replace the old MCA system in the airport. The switchover to TETRA service took place today and will enable high-quality voice communications in and around the airport, as well as intercommunication between Narita, Naha, Chubu, and Kansai airports. NAR has a plan to deploy TETRA as a wireless communications infrastructure to support the integrated operation of the three Kansai airports, including Osaka International Airport and Kobe Airport.
NAR has installed and provided the service of TETRA at Narita, Naha, and Chubu airports since 2016. The service has earned high marks for its reliability, quality, terminal robustness, and easiness of use. NAR will continue to provide stable operation of the service, and will offer terminals and additional services that meet the needs of airport operations, as well as the needs of the airport community.
About Nippon Airport Radio Services Co., Ltd., “NAR”
NAR, a subsidiary of NTT East, is a radio communication service provider specializing in airports, providing air to ground telephone service at 8 airports and ground to ground radio services using TETRA at 3 airports in Japan. It will start services using TETRA at Kansai International Airport in April 2022, and plans to expand to the other airports after that. The company is characterized by its airport-focused operations and by its advanced technological capabilities in radio communications for professionals.